隨著國內15∼24歲年輕族群愛滋病傳染率的上升,以此族群為主之大專校院卻少有以性健康為主軸而推動之健康促進計畫,故本計畫目的在於探討並進一步評價大專校院推動性健康促進計畫之歷程與成效。本計畫依據健康促進學校六大範疇規劃校園性健康促進計畫,歷經10個月共推出六個子活動,分別為師生校園性教育專業增能、校園性教育系列課程、多元性別—真情相對系列講座、走出校園性教育宣導、健康諮詢門診及校園愛滋關懷活動。活動對象依據各子活動分別以隨機抽樣、招募及自由報名方式產生,共3,978人次參與。計畫結果顯示,以成對t檢定分析發現,教師在接受一系列增能活動後,對性教育議題教學目標困難度有顯著性降低(t=-2.276, p<.05),其教學態度與自我效能也有顯著提升(t=2.837, p<.05)。學生在參與校園性教育系列課程後,其性覺察度(t=-8.061, p<.001)、性知識(t=-28.738, p<.001)、婚前性行為態度(t=2.615, p<.05)及兩性交往生活技巧(t=4.174, p<.001)均有顯著改變,其餘各子活動也呈現正向反應之結果。本計畫結果顯示,以健康促進學校模式推動校園性健康促進計畫為一可行且有效整合校內、外資源與提升師生在性健康議題之認知、態度與自我效能。
The increased rate of HIV infection in young people aged between 15-24 years old and lack of sexual health promotion programs in college reveals the urgency of sexual health promotion education in colleges. The project is to explore and further evaluate the process and the effectiveness of the sexual health promotion plan in campus. The project built the campus sexual health promotion program based on six areas of the campus health promotion. The program last 10 months with six subprograms, including teachers and students' empowerment on campus sexuality education, sexuality education courses, multi-gender and true-love lecture series, out of school sex education, health consultation clinic, and AIDS counseling and caring campus activities. The participants were chosen at random with recruitment and enrollment based on their freedom of choice for each sub-activity. A total of 3,978 participants were involved in the project. Paired t-test analysis was used to evaluate the project. The results revealed that the teachers who underwent a series of empowerment programs showed significant improvement on their difficulty feeling to reach teaching goal of sex education topics (t=-2.276, p<.05) and their attitudes and self- teaching performance of teaching the sexual education topics to students (t=2.837, p<.05); the students who participated the program expressed significant improvement on their sexual awareness (t=-8.061, p<.001), sexual knowledge (t=-28.738, p<.001), premarital sex attitudes (t=2.615, p<.05 ), and life skills of the male-female relationship (t=4.174, p<.001). The results of the sub-activities also revealed the positive responses. This project displayed that a sexual health promotion program based on health promotion school model is feasible and effective to integrate school internal and external resources to enhance the cognition, attitude, and self-efficacy of teachers and students in sexual health issues.