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Indigenous Adolescents’ Attitude toward Premarital Sexual Behavior


本研究旨在瞭解原住民青少年對婚前性行為之觀點,以花蓮縣3所中學28位原住民青少女及22位原住民青少男為對象,組成8個焦點團體,進行團體訪談,每場訪談持續90∼100分鐘。訪談文本利用質性分析軟體MAXQDA 11.0進行資料歸納,以焦點團體分析架構進行資料分析。原住民青少年對婚前性行為之觀點包括「外在誘因」、「青少年發展特質」及「式微的約束力」三大範疇。外在誘因包含:身邊很多人都有、正常的事、父母的身教;青少年發展特質則包括:希望融入團體中、想身歷其境、在拒絕與同意間掙扎、視懷孕為不可能的事;式微的約束力則包含:鮮少觸及的話題、除罪的傳統習俗、祖訓的約束力。本研究結果呈現原住民青少年處在高度的外在誘因下,加上青少年階段之發展特質,對性充滿好奇與渴望,但傳統文化的約束力卻已式微,讓原住民青少年成為婚前性行為的高風險族群。本研究結果可做為原住民青少年性教育課程設計、輔導之參考。

Parallel abstracts

This study was conducted to understand the attitudes of indigenous adolescents toward premarital sex. This study targeted 28 indigenous teenage girls and 22 indigenous teenage boys at two secondary schools and one high school in Hualien County. Eight focus groups were formed for 90 to 100-min group interviews. Interview transcripts were coded and categorized using MAXQDA Version 11.0, and the data were analyzed according to the framework of the focus group analysis. The indigenous adolescents’ attitudes toward premarital sex involved three dimensions as follows: external influence, the developmental characteristics of adolescence, and weakened cultural restraints. For the indigenous adolescents, external influence included many people they knew had had premarital sex, premarital sex was common and considered normal, and parents’ attitude toward sexual practices. The developmental characteristics of adolescence were the hope to "fit in" with peer groups, the personal intention to try sex, the dilemma between refusing and consenting to perform sex, and the belief that getting pregnant the first time you have sex is impossible. Weakened cultural restraints encompassed sex being considered as a taboo subject, reduced traditional disapproval, and the restrictions imposed by ancestral preaching. The research results revealed that the indigenous adolescents were exposed to numerous external influences. In addition, because of the developmental characteristics during adolescence, they were curious about sex and wanted to try it. Simultaneously, traditional cultural restraints are weakening; thus, indigenous adolescents constitute a high-risk group for having premarital sex. The results may serve as a reference for designing sexuality education programs and counseling for indigenous adolescents.



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