Most previous studies have investigated the correlations between female sex role stereotypes, female gender biases, and female rape myths. However, few studies have extended this investigation to male sex role stereotypes, male gender biases, and male rape myths. Therefore, this study addresses the correlations between the male/ female sex role stereotypes, gender biases, and rape myths. An online self-report questionnaire was utilized to collect data from anonymous participants of at least 18 years of age and living in Taiwan. A total of 611 valid samples were collected. This study used t test, correlation analysis, and ANOVA to examine the correlations among variables, and stepwise regression analysis to examine the impact of sex role stereotypes and gender biases on rape myth acceptance. The results showed that male/ female sex role stereotypes, gender biases, and rape myths are associated, indicating the existence of a latent variable named tolerance deficiency schema. It was also shown that sex role stereotypes and gender biases predict both male and female rape myths. Specifically, male sex role stereotypes and gender biases have a stronger predictive power for male rape myths than female rape myths and account for a 43% variance of male rape myths. Female sex role stereotypes and gender biases have a stronger predictive power for female rape myths than male rape myths and account for a 36% variance of female rape myths. Regarding the impact of background variables, it was shown that men's sex role stereotypes, gender biases, and rape myth acceptance are significantly more pronounced than those of women; age is positively associated with sex role stereotypes, gender biases, and rape myths; and education level exhibits a trend of negative associations with sex role stereotypes, gender biases, and rape myth acceptance. Finally, the implications, practical applications, and limitations of the study results are provided, as well as possible directions for future research.