  • 期刊

Occupational Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields by Questionnaire in Relation to Risks of Brain Cancer: Cell-type Specificity



目的:本研究旨在探討職業暴露到電磁場與腦瘤及其組織病理型態之間的相關性。材料與方法:研究設計採以醫院為基礎的病例一對照研究法,於2004年9月至2005年2月募集中山醫學大學附設醫院神經外科111位腦瘤病患(病例組)及235位與電磁場暴露無關之疾病、非腦痛之住院及門診患者(對照組),分別進行問卷訪談(個人基本資料、個人/家族疾病史、職業暴露電磁場史、抽菸習慣)。將所有受試者職業所可能暴露的電磁場分為三組:無暴露於電磁場組、可能暴露於電磁場組、明確暴露於電磁場組,並以卡方檢定及羅吉斯迴歸進行資料分析。結果:在調整各項干擾因子後,發現男性明確暴露於電磁場者相較於無暴露於道,磁場者有顯著增加罹患腦瘤的機率,其危險對比值為7.37(95% CI: 1.36 -40.03)。隨後,進一步依腦瘤的組織病理型態進行分析,結果顯示明確暴露於電磁場者相較於無暴露於電磁場者有顯著增加罹患膠質瘤的機率,其危險對比值為7 .39 (95% CI: 1.91-28.54);可能暴露於電磁場者相較於無暴露於電磁場者有顯著增加罹患聽神經瘤的機率,其危險對比值為6.22(95% CI: 1.51- 25.73)。結論:利用問卷調查職業暴露於電磁場可能使腦瘤的危險性增加,特別是膠質瘤與聽神經瘤。


Purpose: The aim of this study was to address the associations between occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) and the risk of brain tumors across different histological types.Materials and Methods: A total of 111 cases of primary brain tumors and 235 controls were collected for a hospital-based case-control study. The exposure assessment separated workers into three different groups (non-exposure, possible-exposure, and explicit-exposure) of occupational exposure depending on different strengths of EMF.Results: A significantly increased risk of brain tumors was observed among men held jobs with ” explicit-exposure” to EMF relative to those with ” non-exposure” (OR = 7.37, 95% CI: 1.36-40.03). The OR for acoustic neuroma cases was 7.39 (95% CI: 1.9 1-28.54) with ”explicit- exposure” to EMF relative to those with ”non-exposure”, and the OR for glioma cases was 6.22 (95% CI: 1.5 1-25.73) in the ”possible-exposure” group relative to the ”non-exposure” group.Conclusion: Our findings of questionnaire support the association of occupational exposure to EMF in the development of both glioma and acoustic neuroma.
