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The Creative Implications and Gender Role Narratives of Children's Spontaneous Drawing Books



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Children have the inherent ability to express their emotions and depict their thoughts through drawing. Given that childhood is an important developmental stage for the narrative identity of gender roles, this study uses the theoretical framework of "eight themes of story drawings" and "four art realities" to investigate the spontaneous drawing books created by six children in order to understand the creative implications of children's spontaneous drawings and the narrative identity of gender roles that they exhibit. The results revealed that spontaneous drawings provide children with the opportunity to explore their inner selves as well as express their outer selves. While children of different genders and personalities displayed varied thematic preferences and psychological realities in their drawing books, children of the same gender also showed both similar and at times rather different gender role narratives. Additionally, it was found that children were deeply influenced by daily life experiences and popular visual culture. However, children of the same gender but different personalities also presented divergent thematic preferences and psychological realities in their drawing books. In other words, although gender may be one of the variables that affect children's drawings, it is important to consider the constraints of the gender dichotomy when discussing various phenomena in relation to children's drawings, so as to avoid letting the generality of the collective overshadow the uniqueness of the individual.


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