  • 期刊


The Initial Appearance of Autism in Taiwan




This paper explores the initial appearance of autism in Taiwan. Drawing on perspectives of knowledge in transit, I argue that the practice and local tailoring of native actors reflect the rich global ecology of autism knowledge in transit from Western society to Taiwan. Descriptions of " problem children" who were " unsociable and eccentric" were commonplace in Taiwan prior to the emergence of autism as a formal diagnosis in the 1960s. My analysis reveals that, despite its limited influence, the Mental Health Programme in Taiwan provided the basic infrastructure for medicalizing certain behavioral problems of children, and for the eventual formalization of autism as a diagnosis. Autism's emergence in Taiwan and its cultural ramifications differed from those in North America and Europe due to the practices of local medical practitioners and their understanding of the abnormal behavior of children from varied cultures. Therefore, the Mental Health Programme played a central role in shaping the field of child psychiatry by promoting the contemporary diagnosis, scale and practice of autism as a medical and social phenomenon. By looking at autism knowledge in transit, this paper deepens our understanding of medicalization and highlights the agency of the local practitioners as they filtered and applied autism knowledge.


《 中央日報 》( 1928),〈 濟案外評愈見確切,強佔山東各國不容,苟逾保僑即是造亂,濟南商區我可自閉,戰事結局系於日手 〉。5 月22 日。
《 中國時報 》(1989a),〈「 我兒孝俊 」討論關心自閉症者學者建議表現勿與「雨人 」雷同 〉。5 月12 日。
《 中國時報 》(1989b),〈中視正籌播自閉症題材了解自閉症張晨光將演雨人 〉。4 月4 日。
《婦女雜誌 》(1968),〈孩童保健的幾件小事情 〉。1: 75。
《 聯合報 》( 1959),〈 醫院不收病人自閉救世之門工人患癌難求診 〉。3 月16 日。

