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No Need to Quarrel over Differing Views: Spaces for Negotiation and Multiple Interpretations of Scientific Statements



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This paper tries to identify the reasons behind divergent interpretations of science communication and to propose potential means of reaching consensus. We made transcripts from discussions that took place in university seminars on the frontiers of medical science and asked people working in different academic fields from different educational backgrounds to interpret 50 of the questions that were discussed by the seminars' participants. Combining ethnographic methods, focus group discussions, deep interviews, and reflexive interpretation, we identified major factors influencing our respondents' interpretive preferences, which included comprehension of scientific nouns, contextual associations, and evidence-centered thinking habits. Moreover, analyzing their interpretive reasoning during focus group discussion led us to conceive of three institutional measures and four types of personal skills by which science communication can be made more effective. The three measures are a training program for translating scientific knowledge into the vernacular, group empowerment, and an appraisal mechanism for evidence in debate. The four essential personal skills are: 1. Communicating in straightforward and legible language; 2. Converting complex narrative into simple sentences; 3. Having sensitivity to subgroup consensus; 4. Thinking from the perspective of others. We believe that these strategies and skills will help open up spaces for negotiation and promote public engagement with science.


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