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Cochlear Implants and Performing Hearingness: A Sociolinguistics Approach




體現 電子耳 人設 社會語言學

Parallel abstracts

In Taiwan, a medical script of " curing" deafness has dominated the discussion of cochlear implants. Many deaf adults pursue cochlear implantation, expecting themselves to become more like hearing people. This article adopts a sociolinguistics approach to explore how Mandarin phonetic variation (the high-falling tone) is appropriated to perform hearingness in the presence of the hearing researcher. This article argues that " improvement" in cochlear implant users' spoken language performance should be understood as the embodiment of social personae constructed by cochlear implant users, rather than simply a product of technological assistance.


Ouyang, Iris Chuoying and Elsi Kaiser (2012). Focus-marking in a Tone Language: Prosodic Cues in Mandarin Chinese. LSA Annual Meeting Extended Abstracts 3. https://doi.org/10.3765/exabs.v0i0.580(Retrieved: November 1, 2019).
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