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From Floor Plans and Exhibition Galleries It Emerges: An Actor- Network Study of the Installation Art in the Making



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How can installation artworks emerge out of art museums? Installation art is intimately connected to its spatiotemporal environment. That is, the artist must consider the form of an installation, but also needs to initiate a dialogue between the artwork and its environment. Inspired by the "follow-the-artist" approach advocated by actor-network theory (ANT), I conducted participatory observation in an art gallery to reveal the process of "becoming art." My analysis is divided into two sections: the preparatory work prior to installation and the work of installing artworks in situ. In the first part, I focus on the agency of the floor plan. Before artists set up their works in the exhibition room, the floor plan translates the unknown and distanced room into something both spatially and temporarily "foreseeable" to them. It also serves as a complex mediator which accommodates different opinions and allows actors to exchange their thoughts and arguments. Discussing three artists' cases, I affirm that when the artists are ready to set up their works in the exhibition room, they start enrolling multiple non-human actants in the physical space. This essay engages art studies in science and technology studies and suggests "art in action" as an alternative approach to studying contemporary art.


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