利用Picro-sirius red染色配合偏光顯微鏡觀察,針對冠狀動脈粥狀硬化、血管壁內膜增厚、軟骨與硬骨的膠原纖維進行探討,膠原纖維在plcro-sirius red染色下見到淡粉紅色到紅色的染色性,在偏光顯微鏡下細膠原纖維呈現綠色到綠黃色,粗膠原纖維呈現黃色、橘色到紅色,轉動旋轉載物台時檢體內膠原纖維會反覆呈現相同的雙折光性,其中粥狀斑內可明顯分辨出粗、細膠原纖維之分佈,血管壁內膜增厚病變中可見到粗、細膠原纖維之混雜分佈,軟骨基質以細膠原纖維分佈為主,硬骨基質以粗膠原纖維分佈為主,由於其對膠原纖維之分辨較傳統Masson's trichrome染色更為靈敏,對於正常或疾病發生時膠原纖維的增生與微細構造變化之探討,有其應用價值。
By using picro-sirius red stain and polarization microscopy, the collagen fibers in coronary artery with atherosclerosis, brachial artery with intimal thickening, and the cartilage and bone, were studied. The collagen fiber showed pale pink to red color after stained with picro-sirius red. With polarization microscopy, the thin collagen fiber showed green to yellow color, and the thick collagen fiber showed yellow to orange and red color. When rotating the circular specimen loading stage, the same birefringence could be observed periodically. The distribution of thick collagen fiber and thin collagen fiber could be distinguished among the atherosclerotic lesion. The thick collagen fiber and thin collagen fiber were interwoven in the intimal thickening lesion. The chondroid matrix was mainly distributed with thin collagen fiber, and the bone matrix was mainly distributed with thick collagen fiber. This method is more sensitive than Masson's trichrome stain for the examination of collagen fiber, and can be applied for the detailed study of collagen fiber in normal tissue and diseased condition.