美國於1987年設立「馬康包立茲國家品質獎」,將全面品質管理導入各企業中,1990年以來,歐美各國紛紛開始將「全面品質管理」理念應用在教育上,台灣於2001年「國家品質獎」增列教育機構,顯示教育全面品質管理的重要性,而教育最基層的推動者為國小教師。本研究旨在探討國小教師全面品質管理認知與改善,以新北市教師為研究對象,採隨機叢集抽樣方式,進行重要度-滿意度問卷與Kano二維問卷調查。問卷量表設計首先經由文獻探討和參考相關理論及實證研究,並邀請相關學者及實務教學經驗之教師,依問卷內容的適切性提供寶貴的意見,擬定了「全面品質管理量表」。本研究根據問卷調查所得結果:1.應用SPSS 統計分析軟體進行差異性與相關性分析。2.藉由重要度-滿意度問卷進行I-S模式分析出待改善的品質項目,加上以二維問卷進行Kano模式、Refined Kano模式品質要素分類方法導出需求品質,整合出全面品質管理顧客需求要素,再利用品質機能展開法,導出全面品質管理的品質改善技術。最後,將所求得結果,作為建議教育品質之重要依據,提出改善方案,以符合教育現場需求。本研究主要結果如下:一、國小教師符合全面品質管理的程度尚屬中上程度,且是偏向正面。二、全面品質管理落在待改善區域,排序第一的是:校長對各處室有統御與協調能力,以促進行政運作,提昇行政能力。三、全面品質管理之品質改善需求,最需優先改善的是:領導者在溝通上應更有作為、有擔當、有熱忱,懂得帶人帶心的道理。
In 1987, the United States Congress created the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) to implement total quality management for enterprise. Since 1990, European countries have started to apply the philosophy of total quality management for education. From 2001, National Quality Award added the application of educational institution in Taiwan, it showed that the total quality management of education is important, and the promoter of first-line education is elementary teacher. This study aimed to investigate the relationship and the improvement between elementary teachers' total quality management cognition, took New Taipei teachers as the study objects and adopted a random cluster sampling to conduct survey on importance degree - satisfaction degree questionnaire and Kano two-dimensional quality questionnaire. Questionnaire scale was designed first by literature review and reference for relevant theoretical and empirical research. Relevant scholars and teachers with practical teaching experience were invited to provide valuable advice according to the appropriateness of the questionnaire and to prepare "Total Quality Management Scale". This study concluded the questionnaire survey results as follows: 1. Apply SPSS statistical analysis software for differences and correlation analysis. 2. Conduct I-S Model analysis to export quality projects to be improved through importance degree - satisfaction degree questionnaire; conduct Kano, Refined Kano quality demand classification through two-dimensional questionnaire to export demand quality, integrate customer demand factors of TQM (Total Quality Management), and then export quality improvement techniques of TQM using QFD (Quality Function Deployment). Finally, the analysis results obtained were used to serve as the important basis for suggested education quality and to put forward improvement program to meet the needs of educational site. The main findings of this study are as follows: I. Elementary school teachers were still above the average degree of TQM and trended towards positive. II. The total quality management ranked first in the to-be-improved area was that principals should have governing the coordinating abilities toward all offices to promote administrative operations and enhance administrative capacity. III. The quality improvement technology of TQM with the highest priority for improvement was that leaders should undertake outstanding achievements, take responsibility, have passion and know how to react with people with heart in the communication.