背景:依據醫策會台灣臨床成效指標系統資料顯示,2019年成人加護病房病人留置導尿管年平均使用率為71.69%,導管相關泌尿道感染(catheter-associated urinary tract infection, CAUTI)年平均發生率為(千分之2.22),全國區域醫院加護病房感染部位與導管使用相關佔率為88.3%,其中以泌尿道感染位居第一。目的:探討組合式介入措施對於留置導尿管相關泌尿道感染之成效。方法:以系統性文獻回顧分析組合式照護模式對於留置導尿管之病人,預防泌尿道感染之成效。結果:共納入三篇隨機對照試驗文獻,結果發現導管相關組合式照護措施可有效降低導管相關之泌尿道感染發生。結論:如能定期更新修訂並強化其知識技能,不僅可以增加自我專業提升病人安全及品質外,亦可以減少醫療健保成本之增加,故建議未來研究可多針對組合式照護模式進行探討與研究,以增進國內之醫療品質提升。
Background: According to the data of the 2019 Taiwan Medical Effectiveness Index System of the Medical Policy Council, the use rate of indwelling catheters is 71.69%, and the incidence of catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) is (2.22 per mille). The proportion of infection sites and catheter use in intensive care units of regional hospitals was 88.3%, so urinary tract infections ranked first. Objective: To explore the effectiveness of combined interventional measures for indwelling catheter-related urinary tract infections. Methods: A systematic review of the effectiveness of the combined care model for patients with indwelling catheters to prevent urinary tract infections. Results: A total of three articles were included, and it was found that the catheter-related combined care model can effectively reduce the risk of infection. Conclusion: If can regularly update and strengthen knowledge and skills, can not only increase professionalism and improve patient safety and quality, but also reduce the cost of medical health insurance. Therefore, it is recommended that future research can be more focused on combined care models. To improve the domestic medical quality.