  • 期刊


A Case Manager's Nursing Experiences of a Nasopharyngeal Cancer Patient Discontinuing Treatment




個案管理 中斷治療 鼻咽癌


This case report presents nursing experiences of a case manager who took care of a middle-aged male nasopharyngeal cancer patient receiving concurrenty chemotherapy and radiotherapy from June 16 to October 13 in 2011. Data of the patient's physical, psychological, social and spiritual dimensions was collected through a general health assessment, observation, interactions and interviews with him. The patient health problems were identified as impaired oral mucous membrane, pain, noncompliance, and powlessness. As a case manager in the oncology unit, the authors provided active caring and the information related to the diagnosis, examinations and treatments, and established therapeutic relationship with the patient during the period of nursing care. Furthermore, the case manager created an individualized care plans based on the patient's health problems, educated the patient about mouth care, increased the patient's knowledge on the use of analgesic drugs, answered the questions regarding his generalized powlessness caused by the side effects of the treatments, and provided disease-specific information. The authors also positively encouraged the patients, and provided appropriate caring and emotional support to help the patient face the challenge of his disease, and to complete treatments successfully. Following the treatments, care was provided to the patient through telephone interviews to help him readjust his life during the follow-up. It is expected that the unique roles and functions of the case manager in the oncology unit can serve as a reference for clinicians to nursing care of those patients with the similar situations.


