The article discusses the nursing experience of a breast cancer patient who suffered from the chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy after partial mastectomy of the left breast and Port-A insertion. From 12/12/2018 to 12/21/2018, through interviews, conversations, active listening, and consulting the medical records, the patient's health problems were identified on the Gordon 11 Function Health Patterns, which were anxiety, acute pain, and distorted sensation and perception. The author established a sound nurse-patient relationship by showing true concerns for the patient's feelings. Then the author was able to encourage the patient to speak up and to share the inner feelings by listening with patience; the author also gave patient instruction to reduce anxiety, and also encouraged the family to provide mental and emotional support. The patient was shown how to fix the drainage tube, press on the wound when moving, avoid muscular pulling, pad the affected side with quilts, and change dressing wound gently to reduce pain. Patient also learned more about mastectomy and chemotherapy, how to reduce skin irritation with lotion and gloves, wear the right kind of clothes and shoes, keep the rooms well-lit, get off the bed gradually to reduce the risk of fall, and control chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy with cryotherapy. The author hopes to share this experience as a reference with the nursing colleagues for future guidelines. It's recommended that the Holistic Health Care and Share-Decision Making be introduced to the patients and family in order to reach a joint medical decision through a better understanding of the disease and the treatment.