梔子(Gardenia jasminiodes Eillis)在中國醫藥典籍上早已記載,最早出現於《本經》,被列為中品。其具有瀉火清熱止血、消炎解毒或解熱、利濕散瘀之功效;也常用於治療肝、膽方面的疾病。本文運用資料庫PUBMED以收集現代梔子的相關文獻為主,經由文獻回顧發現梔子具有再降血糖及降血脂之功用,探討包含:有效成分分析、現代中藥藥理學,影響血糖血脂之相關研究。最後總結探討其相關作用機轉,進行中藥藥效之探討。期望對往後臨床運用上,傳統中醫藥運用與現代藥理研究能有所整合。如能在中醫的辨證論治指導下,選擇具有實證的現代藥理作用使用藥物,對於臨床療效應更有實質的幫助。
Yellow gardenia (Gardenia jasminiodes Eillis) has already documented in Chinese medical books, first appeared in the ”Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica”. There were the charactors including stop the bleeding by purging fire and clearing heat away, anti-inflammatory, detoxification or antipyretic, dispelling dampness, scattered stasisandcommonly used in the treatment of liver and gall bladder disease. This paper uses databases PUBMED. The major aim is collection of modern relevant literatures of gardenia to summarize that contains the active ingredients, the modern pharmacology impacts on blood glucose and lipid, also concluded it's mechanisms of action, for discussing the curative effect of Chinese medicines. An expectation of future clinical practice, the traditional Chinese medicine and the application of modern pharmacology studies are able to be integrated. Under the diagnosis of Traditional Chinese medicine guidance and select drugs by the modern pharmacological effects with evidence that should be more substantive assistance tothe clinical curative effect.