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A Comparative Case Study of the Buddhist Meditation to Drug Rehabilitation


廿一世紀的來臨,人類面對生活的能力應隨著科技與資訊的進步而提升,但社會型態的轉變,為人們所帶來的生活困境、心靈壓力等文明後遺症,卻是有增無減,其中尤以毒品對於身心靈之影響最為巨大。而從人類的經驗演進史可知,宗教對於社會與人心的功能,一直以來就不僅止於知識的傳播或信仰的崇拜,而是具有提昇生活內涵、建立生命價值、安頓人心與淨化社會的功能。 值此科技時代,對於日益氾濫的吸毒問題,基督教一直以福音療法戒毒,而作為佛教理論與實踐的禪學,雖已有近兩千六百年的歷史,迄今運用於戒毒者的治療,卻不及基督教的具體成果,即使有也泰半只涉及某種禪修法門的運用,鮮少探討其原理。因此,本研究嘗以佛教的禪修理論為立基點,觀察其對戒毒之應用的兩個實例的具體成果,希冀透過有系統的分析、觀察禪修理論對戒毒的運用比較,同理亦能將此原理應用對治憂鬱症等現代文明病,進一步運用在教育成效的提昇,為教育治療的應用再闢新績。 本研究共分五章:第一章緒論;第二章毒品-回溯毒品的歷史,檢視吸毒者的藥癮成因,瞭解吸毒者的身心狀況,比較吸毒者與禪修者在腦中所產生的變化;第三章禪修的戒毒功能-考據禪法的演變,說明禪定對戒毒的功能,檢視禪修原理、方法,依據原始佛教經論,輔以現代腦神經科學,尋找染上毒癮的根源所在,並從探討禪修者的身心變化中,提出協助毒癮者杜絕毒害侵擾的有效方式;第四章戒毒實例和禪修原理比較-透過兩個戒毒中心的深度訪談和問卷調查的分析和比較,了解禪修對戒毒的運用現況及困境,輔以前述原理的分析比對,獲得原理與應用的具體例證,以達到協助戒毒、防犯染毒的根本目標,並提出建言;第五章結論。


福音療法 禪修原理

Parallel abstracts

With the advances in technology and information that came with the arrival of the 21(superscript st) Century, people have enhanced abilities to cope with their daily life. However, the changes in modern society are such that there are more adversities and various sorts of pressure. Among such adversities, drugs have the most devastating effects on people's body and mind. Past experience shows that the purposes of religion in relation to society and the human mind go beyond the spread of knowledge and faith, instead they also have the functions of upgrading the meaning of life, building social values, calming people's minds as well as social purifying. In this era of technology, Christians have successed in rehabilitation through gospels. However, meditation, with its root in Buddhist teachings and close to 2,600 years of continuous practice, has yet to obtain similar results achieved by the Christians in drug rehabilitation. In the areas where there were some results, only certain methods of Buddhist meditation were involved, the principle therein was seldom probed. Therefore, the present study attempts to focus on the practice of Buddhist meditation and compare its application to two cases and observable results in drug rehabilitation. It is hoped that through systematic analysis as well as observation of the application of the principle of Buddhist meditation to drug rehabilitation, such principle could be applied to other modern-day ailments such as depression, so as to enhance the educational effect of the principle with a view to open up new frontiers for the application of educational therapy. This study will be divided into five chapters. The first is an introduction; the second probes the reasons for drug abuse, examines the forming of addiction against the functions of the brain, observes both the physical and mental states of drug addicts; the third covers the principle and methods of meditation, searches the root cause of drug addiction using references in scriptures of original Buddhism aided by current scientific knowledge of the neural system of the brain, and so forth; the fourth looks at actual cases through field studies, attempts to understand the current state and difficulties of applying the principle of Buddhist meditation to drug rehabilitation, tries to obtain specific proof of the efficacy of the principles and their application, so as to achieve the basic goal of helping drug rehabilitation and prevention of addiction; the fifth is the conclusion.


Ānāpānasatisutta南傳巴利《中阿含》(Majjhima Nikaya)118經。
Mahasatipatthanasutta南傳巴利《雜阿含》(Samyutta Nikaya)119經。
《大念住經》,南傳巴利,《長阿含》(Digha Nikaya)22經。
