本文論述佛教當前所面臨的三大挑戰:「全球化」(Globalization)、「宗教公民化」(Civil Religion)與「宗教世俗化」(Religious Secularization)。筆者認為,佛教在這「三化」之中,具有極大的作為空間,只要善加發揮,將能夠及時緩解「全球化」的危機。就此方向而言,佛教至少可以在以下十二個重點上,展現其可續性發展的優勢:(1)建構「全球倫理」,推動價值重建;(2)確立「全球化」與「全球在地化」的平衡發展;(3)尊重多元價值,推動「跨文化」交流;(4)保護宗教神聖資產,推行文化傳承教育;(5)體認「身土不二」,提倡綠色消費;(6)推動全球立法,保護自然資源;(7)重新定義「發展」概念,確立佛教道場社區化的三大面向;(8)積極參與生命教育與身心療癒、臨終關懷等社會課題;(9)推動多元的全球佛教公共論壇;(10)深化不二法門的精神,推動宗教內部對話與跨宗教對話;(11)彰顯慈悲精神,消除各種形式的暴力;(12)面對全球的結構性之惡,勇於批判與導正。
This paper briefly reflects on the greatest challenges that Buddhism faces nowadays: ”Globalization, Civil Religion and Religious Secularization.” Also, it proposes that in facing the crisis resulting from these challenges, in addition to thought change, twelve goals that rebuild the global values have to be promoted so as to create the greatest opportunity for Buddhism to have sustainable development: (1) setting up global ethic and promoting rebuilding of values; (2) confirming a balanced development between Globalization and Glocalization; (3) respecting multi-values and promoting interactions of multi-cultures; (4) protecting the holy assets of Buddhism and promoting cultural heritage education; (5) realizing the theory of ”Non duality of body and earth” as well as promoting the green consumption; (6) promoting global lawmaking and preserving ecological resources; (7) redefining the concept of development and the three major roles of localized Buddhist centers; (8) participating actively in social issues like life education, physical and mental healing, and terminal care; (9) promoting diverse global public forums of Buddhism; (10) deepening the spirit of non-duality and promoting the intra-dialogue and inter-religious dialogue; (11) improving metta and karuna to eliminate different kinds of violence and (12) facing the global contracture of evil and directing to the right path.