  • 期刊


The Scores of 20-item Sino-Nasal Outcome Test or Reflux Symptom Index at a Certain Adult Health Examination


背景:設法從某次的健檢中獲得一般族群之鼻及鼻竇炎症狀檢測分數(20-item sinonasal outcome test, SNOT-20) 與胃酸逆流症狀指數(reflux symptom index, RSI)。材料及方法:針對本院在2007年1月時的員警高級體檢,由作者進行體檢之對象共計208名,請他們填寫一份含有SNOT-20與RSI問項之問卷。最後求得SNOT-20與RSI分數之平均值、標準差與中位數。結果:SNOT-20之平均值為19.3,標準差為14.4,中位數為17.5;而RSI之平均值為5.4,而標準差為6.6,中位數為3。結論:這些受檢者中潛在著鼻及鼻竇炎或胃酸逆流之病患,因此,結果中的數值可以作為門診時評量這類病患時的對照。


Background: we obtained a common value of 20-ItemSno-Nasal Outcome Test (SNOT-20) and Reflux Symptom Index (RSI) from a certain health examination. Materials and methods: 208 examinees were enrolled at a police health examination in January 2007. They wrote a questionnaire with SNOT-20 and RSI, and then were examined by the author. Finally, the average and standard deviation of SNOT-20 and RSI were obtained. Results: the average of SNOT-20 is 19.3, and the standard deviation is 14.4, and the medial value is 17.5; besides, the average of RSI is 5.4, and the standard deviation is 6.6, and the medial value is 3. Conclusion: the 208 examinees might include patients with rhino-sinusitis or acid reflux. Therefore, the resultant values can be contrasted for patients of rhino-sinusitis or acid reflux at outpatient department.
