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Using PROKERA® to treat ocular chemical injury caused by animal health disinfectant



OMNICIDE® is a broad-spectrum animal health disinfectant containing glutaraldehyde and cocobenzyl dimethyl ammonium chloride. Ocular chemical injury caused by animal health disinfectant has never been described in the previous literature. Herein, we presented a 57-year-old man who mis-instilled animal health disinfectant into his right eye. Extensive conjunctival chemosis, large corneal epithelial defect, and limbal ischemia were noted in his right eye with Dua classification grade III. In addition to the conventional medical therapy, we used the biologic corneal bandage device, PROKERA®, to stabilize the ocular surface inflammation and promote corneal re-epithelialization. The corneal epithelial defect healed completely, and the visual acuity improved and remained stable during the follow-up period.

Parallel abstracts

OMNICIDE®是一種廣效型動物消毒劑,主要成分包含戊二醛(glutaraldehyde)以及苯扎氯銨(cocobenzyl dimethyl ammonium chloride)。動物消毒劑引起的眼表化學性灼傷在過往的文獻中並未被提及過。在此,我們報告一位57歲的男性,因為誤點動物消毒劑至右眼,造成大範圍結膜水腫,角膜上皮缺損,以及輪狀部缺血,符合Dua分類的第三級。除了傳統的藥物治療外,我們利用角膜生物敷料PROKERA®來穩定眼表發炎反應及促進角膜上皮生長。在治療之後的追蹤過程,角膜上皮完全恢復且患者的視力亦獲得改善。

Parallel keywords

動物消毒劑 眼表化學性灼傷 PROKERA®
