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A Huge Radicular Cyst Invading Ipsilateral Maxillary Sinus


根尖囊腫(radicular cyst)是最常見的齒源性囊腫,治療以牙科根管治療為主流,當囊腫過大時,應當接受開放式切除手術。一28歲男性,因為突發腭部腫塊1星期,於本院就診,牙齒X光攝影臆斷為根尖囊腫,但是,電腦斷層顯示病灶過大侵犯硬腭與左側上頜竇,無法排除腫瘤的可能性,遂於根管治療、封閉患牙牙根後安排開放式切除手術。以上唇下方路徑暴露病灶,術中冰凍切片證實為囊腫後,將病灶整個剜出。術後追蹤9個月,腭部不再出現腫塊,但觸診時仍可隱約摸到硬骨的缺損。

Parallel abstracts

Radicular cysts are the commonest type of odontogenic cyst. Endodontic treatment is recommended for the majority of them, but an open excision is recommended for a huge one. A 28-yearold man presented with a palatal mass that had been present for one week. Computed tomography and intraoral dental radiographs demonstratedthe presence of a radicular cyst. The lesion had invaded the hard palate and the left maxillary sinus and therefore a neoplasm was also suspected. He received endodontic treatment and apical closure followed by an open excision using a sublabial approach. The cyst was totally enucleated after the frozen section had been reported to be simply a cyst. Over the following nine months the palatal mass did not recur, but a defect of the hard palate could be palpated.

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