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Red Ear Syndrome in a Child: A Case Report


紅耳症候群是一種罕見的良性疾病,耳殼會呈現紅腫與灼熱,大多數患者在白天發作,通常症狀最嚴重的部位會是耳垂,有時會延伸到臉頰或是下頷,甚至是枕部。然而,目前尚無有效的治療藥物。一名9 歲女童,罹患陣發性左側耳殼紅腫熱痛已經8 個月;大約每隔3 日,病症就會發作,都要用冰水去冰敷才能減輕不適感,症狀大約會持續1 日。最後建議在病症快發作時,趕緊服用diclofenac 25 mg。目前此病在國內也就只有兩例成人個案,發生於孩童者尚無人報告過,特於此報告。

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Red ear syndrome is a rare benign disease. During the symptomatic episode, the affected ear usually presents with redness, swelling and local heat. The symptoms mainly occur in the daytime. The affected ear area is usually over the earlobe, and sometimes radiating to cheek or chin, and even occipital regions. So far, there has been no effective medication to treat the disease. We reported a 9-year-old girl presented with episodic left auricular redness, swelling, local heat and pain for 8 months. The disease free interval was about 3 days. During each one-day symptomatic episode, she used ice packing to relieve the discomfort. We recommended a tablet of 25 mg diclofenac at the beginning of each episode. Only two adult cases in Taiwan have been reported and no child with this syndrome has been reported so far. Therefore, we reported this pediatric case.


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