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The Investigation of Behavior Intention toward Using Mobile Mental Health Apps among Middle-Aged Adults: Current Status and Future Prospective


隨著智慧型手機與行動應用程式普及,透過數位科技關照自身與群眾心理健康將是後疫情時代的重要趨勢。中年族群正值各種壓力齊聚的生命階段,瞭解此族群對心理健康應用程式的使用行為意圖,便能針對其特性與需求發展有效健康行動方案。研究方法:以「結合科技接受模式與計畫行為理論」(C-TAM-TPB),探討中年族群對心理健康應用程式的使用行為意圖,採探索性橫斷式研究,共計248位中年參與者完成問卷調查,並以結構方程模式(Structural Equation Model, SEM)進行資料分析與路徑驗證。研究結果:C-TAMTPB模式的「知覺有用性」、「知覺易用性」、「態度」、「主觀規範」及「知覺行為控制」皆對「行為意圖」有正向預測力;知覺易用性透過知覺有用性對態度產生正向影響;知覺有用性透過態度對行為意圖產生正向影響,兩者皆為部分中介效果。研究結論:中年族群對心理健康應用程式的使用行為意圖可透過C-TAM-TPB模式有效預測並解釋,研究結果可供應用程式設計及未來研擬心理衛生行動健康方案之參考。

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Mental health issues have received increasing attention from many fields in recent years. Along with the growing ownership of smartphones and mobile applications, it is a trend of mental health care through using digital technology in the post-pandemic era. Midlife is a stressful period and middle-aged adults usually can experience numerous pressures. Therefore, it will be effective to promote mental health care and develop useful interventions by understanding their behavioral intention (BI) of using mobile apps. Methods: The research was a cross-sectional approach, and we applied the "Combined Technology Acceptance Model and Theory of Planned Behavior" (C-TAM-TPB) model as a theoretical horizon. 248 middle-aged people completed an online questionnaire and a structural equation model (SEM) was used to analyze the data. Results: It showed that perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEOU), attitude (AT), subjective norm (SN), and perceived behavioral control (PBC) all had a significant positive effect on BI. Additionally, PEOU had a significant positive effect on AT through PU, and PU had a significant positive effect on BI through AT, both of them were partial mediation effects. Conclusions: The BI of middle-aged people in using mental health applications can be effectively predicted and explained through the C-TAM-TPB model. The results can aid and improve the user interface (UI) design of mental health applications and the development of mobile intervention programs.
