本研究主要在探討癌末處境之下,所有圍繞在病人身邊照顧陪伴的醫護人員、親屬、志工、朋友、心理師或社工師與病人形成一個小世界,由於這個世界緊挨著死亡,許多人之間關係會發生質變,原來在俗世功能迴路的效能漸漸退去,而一種接近宗教氛圍的神聖感逐漸升起。本研究的目的即在探討癌末處境聖世界如何形成、開展與消散。本研究採用宗教現象學的取向,借重Thomas Csordas的引介,將異己性(他者性,alterity)作為聖世界的經驗溯源,而以喬治•巴塔耶的宗教理論為主要的發展核心,試圖從實徵與理論兩個層面包抄,發展癌末處境的聖世界之內涵,其中最具關鍵的問題在於(1)聖世界經驗的發生應先排除語言的干預,使聖世界的發生完全在真切經驗自然湧出:(2)聖世界經驗的源頭應為「(視)域(之)外」,那是非領域、非知,因此,研究問題遂在於「域外何以發生」;(3)聖世界的形成,本質上被假設為「異質跳接」,所以聖世界的複合邏輯應是由常人、醫療、宿緣以及無緣他者四者的邏輯平面交疊、擠壓而形成多重皺摺,本研究試圖通過病房田野,以實徵資料解明複合邏輯的內涵。此外,本研究也希望在理論上突破巴塔耶的形上學限制,使其宗教理論能夠落實到人文社會科學的實踐層面,以便接應本土心理療癒研究群所專研的「宗教療癒」領域,並進一步發展為癌末療癒機制的一部分。
This research is to investigate the forming process of sacred world around the terminal wards. The basic theory of the sacred world in this paper is based on Georges Bataille's theory of religion. By the introducing the concept of embodied alterity as the original experience of religion, Thomas Csordas asserts that 'outside of horizon' will be the most essential resource of religious experience, that, according the views of French post-structurism, religious feeling pour out involuntarily. Thus the core questions to be answered will be 'how the happening related to outside-of-horizon?', and what will be the compound logic by which different meaning planes are folded together by interlacing, like rhizome. Theoretical exploration Will be supplemented by empirical fieldwork at terminal wards in a medical center, we participated in the activities of terminal wards with a group of patients, care-givers, families and volunteer workers; the data is analyzed by phenomenological method. This research raises several issues: (1)the involuntarity of feeling others will be pre-exist before any intervention intervention; (2)the sacred realm seems to be occurred in the outside of horizon, that is no-knowing, otherwise realm; (3)the mechanism of forming process is through heterogeneous connections, by which multiple levels of meaning are folded and blended together.