本研究目的在探討太極拳運動訓練對改善老無高血壓個案健康狀況成效及其影響之相關因素。採類實驗研究設計,選取北縣二家榮民之家65歲以上患有高血壓老人為研究對象,一所個案為實驗組(n=14)與另一所控制組(n=25)。實驗組參與為期十週的太極拳運動訓練,控制組則維持其原有的生活型態。介入前以結構式問卷收集研究對象之基本資料與健康狀況並施予健康體適能前測;十週後再施予後測,並以SPSS10.0套裝軟體進行統計分析。研究結果發現兩組研究對象具相當之同質性,不論在年齡、家族史、宗教信仰、收縮壓、身體質量指數、肌力、柔軟度、心肺耐力及自覺健康狀況間皆無顯著不同,年齡分布在68~95歲之間;以無高血壓家族史居多(84.62%)。但在教育程度及婚姻狀況方面,以卡方檢定結果達顯著性差異;在舒張壓方面,以t-test檢定結果也具有顯著性差異。十週介入後,實驗組身體質量指數比控制組少2.37Kg/平方公尺;1600公尺走路之心肺耐力比控制組快258.16秒,並達統計上顯著差異。而實驗組於太極拳訓練前、後健康狀況在平均收縮壓有顯著改善。另外,兩組就健康狀況前後測改善方面比較,以混合設計二因子變異數分析(Repeat Measures ANOVA),研究對象其二次平均收縮壓間皆有改善;不同組別在整體身體質量指數方面有顯著性差異;兩組間在二次平均舒張壓有差異,但以控制組較為明顯。兩組研究對象之平均舒張壓的改善達顯著差異,然因前測時實驗組的舒張壓就比控制組來的好,所以造成後測呈現控制組改善的幅度較實驗組明顯。年齡與肌力改善程度達顯著性負相關、無宗教信仰者之平均舒張壓改善程度較為顯著。根據本研究結果顯示,太極拳運動訓練介入能部分改善老年高血壓個案部分之健康狀況。因此,可提供醫護人員在設計社區老年人健康促進與運動保健服務時之參考依據。
The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of Tai-Chi Chuan exercise training on the health status in hypertension elderly. The quasi-experimental design was utilized. Hypertensive subject who were sixty-five years old and over were recruited from two veterans homes in Taipei county and were divided into two groups: the experimental group (n=14) and the control group (n=25). The elderly in experimental group took the regular Tai-Chi Chuan exercise training for ten weeks, and the control group continued their usual lifestyles during the study period. The demographic data and health status of the two groups were collected through the structured questionnaire; and health fitness status of these two groups were measured before and after ten weeks. The results were analysis with statistics software (SPSS 10.0). There was no significant difference between the two groups in their age, family history, religious, systolic blood pressure, body mass index, muscular strength, flexibility, cardiorespiratory endurance and perceived health status. The age of the elderly in this study was between 68-95 years old. The majority of the elderly were without hypertension family history. However, elderly in experimental group were better than their counterparts in the educational level and marital status. After 10 weeks, the experimental group's mean body mass index was 2.37kg/m^2 less than the control one. In 1600m walking test, the experimental group was 258.16 second faster than the control group in term of cardiorespiratory endurance. A significant improvement in average systolic blood pressure control before and after Tai-Chi Chuan exercise training was found in the experimental group. Repeat Measures ANOVA found that there were both groups improvement in systolic blood pressure and a significant difference in BMI between groups. There was a significant difference in the improvement of diastolic blood pressure between 2 groups; however, the average improvement of diastolic blood pressure of the control group shown better may be due to the diastolic blood pressure of the experimental group was already lowever than the control one in pretest. There was a negative correlation between age and the improvement of muscular strength. Base on the results of the study, it could improve the elderly cases with hypertension in some parts of the health status by Tai-Chi Chuan exercise training. And it could be the reference for nursing staffs to design the health improvement and exercise service for the elderly.