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Effects of High-Intensity Exercise and Fish Oil-Induced Oxidative Stress


Exercise may induce higher oxygen free radicals. Fish oil belong to ω-3 PUFA series that can decrease TG and influence plasma blood lipids. Howerever, some evidence suggests it may increases the lipid peroxidation in the cell. Purpose: To investigates the effects of high-intensity exercise with fish oil supplementation on the antioxidant defense system. Methods: Thirty-three (33) healthy males (20.3±1.4 yrs; 64.3±7.9 kg) were randomly assigned into four groups, which were given a combinations of dietary fish oil (9 g /day), exercise (intensity 85~90%HRmax reserve), and placebos. The experiment lasted for 4 weeks. Venous samples were obtained prior to exercise and within 5 min after exercise. Four venous blood samples were also taken during the four-week period. Blood from all groups was analyzed for SOD, GSH-Px, t-GSH, TAA, MDA. A Generalized Estimating Equations (G.E.E.) method was used for data analysis. Results: The fish oil groups SOD activity significantly increased 11.27 kU/g-HB (p<.05) and decrease in GSH-Px levels, but not appear in the exercise groups. Following exercise in the fish oil group, t-GSH increased significantly 16.07% (p<.05). MDA increased significantly after exercise in both exercise-alone and exercise/fish oil groups 0.12 and 0.27 mmole/ml (p<.05) respectively. Conclusions: exercise and fish oil can cause an increase in oxidative stress separately. Also, these two effects are additive.

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Exercise may induce higher oxygen free radicals. Fish oil belong to ω-3 PUFA series that can decrease TG and influence plasma blood lipids. Howerever, some evidence suggests it may increases the lipid peroxidation in the cell. Purpose: To investigates the effects of high-intensity exercise with fish oil supplementation on the antioxidant defense system. Methods: Thirty-three (33) healthy males (20.3±1.4 yrs; 64.3±7.9 kg) were randomly assigned into four groups, which were given a combinations of dietary fish oil (9 g /day), exercise (intensity 85~90%HRmax reserve), and placebos. The experiment lasted for 4 weeks. Venous samples were obtained prior to exercise and within 5 min after exercise. Four venous blood samples were also taken during the four-week period. Blood from all groups was analyzed for SOD, GSH-Px, t-GSH, TAA, MDA. A Generalized Estimating Equations (G.E.E.) method was used for data analysis. Results: The fish oil groups SOD activity significantly increased 11.27 kU/g-HB (p<.05) and decrease in GSH-Px levels, but not appear in the exercise groups. Following exercise in the fish oil group, t-GSH increased significantly 16.07% (p<.05). MDA increased significantly after exercise in both exercise-alone and exercise/fish oil groups 0.12 and 0.27 mmole/ml (p<.05) respectively. Conclusions: exercise and fish oil can cause an increase in oxidative stress separately. Also, these two effects are additive.


王貴、張愛芳、陳易章、陳夷君、劉剛(2000)。□服麥胚油對足球運動員紅細胞抗氧化能力和Na+, K+-ATP酵素活性影響。中國第六屆全國體育科學大會論文摘要匯編。2,707-708。

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