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Studies of the Anaerobic Running Capacity on Short-Distance Female Runners


本研究目的在探討不同短距離最佳跑步成績推算速度-時間非線性模式(V-t)、速度-時間倒數線性模式(V-l/t)、距離-時間線性模式(D-t)、三參數非線性模式(3P)所得之無氧跑步能力(anaerobic running capacity,簡稱ARC)與垂直跳測驗、短距離最大努力跑步測驗、Margaria-Kalamen動力測驗和Wingat動力測驗成績的相關,確認跑步ARC的效度。本研究以16名女子短距離跑步運動員為受試對象,依平衡次序的方式,進行田徑場五個不同距離(50m、100m、200m、300m和400m)的最大跑步能力測驗,以求得各數學模式之ARC。本研究也進行垂直跳測驗、Margaria-Kalamen動力測驗和Wingat。動力測驗。測驗結果以單因子重覆量數變異數分析,考驗各種測量方法所測得之ARC差異,以皮爾遜積差相關探討各種數學模式之跑步ARC與不同無氧運動能力測驗結果間的相關與差異情形。實驗結果發現,各數學模式所推算出來的ARC皆達顯著差異水準,尤其是3P非線性模式所推算的ARC更能代表全部無氧能量所能作功的距離。各數學模式ARC與各種無氧動力測驗之相關中,只發現兩非線性模式之ARC與各無氧動力測驗的相關達顯著水準,而以3P非線性模式之ARC與各無氧動力測驗相關較高(r=.81~83),本研究結果顯示3P非線性模式為評估女子短距離運動員無氧跑步能力之最佳數學模式。

Parallel abstracts

The purposes of this study were to determine the anaerobic running capacity (ARC) and to study the relationship between statistic ARC values and real exercise performance. Subjects were 16 female runners. These runners were tested on five short-distances running with balanced order. The ARC data were obtained from the calculations using non-linear velocity-time model, linear model of velocity-1/time model, linear model of distance-time and non-linear model of three parameters. These ARC data were then analyzed by ANOVA with one-way repeated measures to study the significance of ARC values among those different models. The correlation between these ARC values and other anaerobic capacity tests, the measurements of vertical jump, Margaria-Kalamen test, and Wingate test on runners were also conducted. Pearson's product-moment statistic model was then employed to determine the correlation between the ARC values obtained from the statistical model and anaerobic capacity tests. The ARC values calculated from each model reached significant difference in this study, especially, the ARC determined by the 3P model was the better representive of all the anaerobic running distance tests. The correlation between ARC of two non-linear model and anaerobic tests showed significant correlations, especially, the ARC determined by the 3P model revealed a high correlation (r=.810~.830). It is concluded that the 3P non-linear model is the best model for evaluating ARC in female short-distance runners.


