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Elucidation of Glycogen super-compensation Strategy for Marathon from Views of Glucose Uptake Mechanisms of Skeletal Muscles


馬拉松與類似的耐力極限運動已蔚為風潮,相關的運動科學知識也因此漸為參賽者所重視,包括賽前訓練減量、肝醣超補策略。本文著重於闡明肝醣超補策略的理論基礎與實務結合,以利馬拉松運動研究之推廣。肝醣被證實較脂肪於賽前的超量增補更有利於馬拉松運動時的能量利用與生理適應方式。傳遞骨骼肌能量代謝調節的訊息分子包括Ca(上标 +2)、ATP/ADP比例、NADH/NAD(上标 +)比例。然而,骨骼肌的肝醣存量對馬拉松運動表現有重要影響,骨骼肌對葡萄糖的攝取機轉依照骨骼肌處於收縮運動中、賽前訓練減量時高醣增補或收縮運動恢復期,有不同的方式引起肌細胞動員葡萄糖轉運體(GLUT4)增加葡萄糖攝取量:前者與Ca(上标 +)、肝醣耗損程度、AMP活化蛋白激酶、低氧、一氧化氮有關;後者與胰島素受體之訊息傳遞路徑有關。馬拉松運動的肝醣增補策略考量可透過暸解特定狀態骨骼肌之葡萄糖攝取機轉,以研擬符合人體生理適應的最適當方式。

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Marathon and other endurance sports have become popular currently. Related knowledge in sports science is emphasized gradually by participants, including training tapering and glycogen super-compensation strategy. This review is focus on elucidating the combination of basis and application to promote marathon research. Glycogen super-compensation has been proved an effective strategy for human energy metabolism and physical adaptation prior to competition. Molecules and signal transduction mediated energy metabolism in skeletal muscle include Ca(superscript +2)、ATP/ADP ratio、NADH/NAD(superscript +) ratio. However, glycogen storage in skeletal muscle has great impact on marathon performance. The glucose uptake mechanisms are different in contracting muscles and muscles with high carbohydrate supplements in tapering several days before competition or contracted muscles in recovery phase, by which glucose transporters (GLUT4) on muscle membrane elevate the glucose uptake. In the former mechanism, it involves Ca(subscript +2), glycogen depletion state, AMP activated protein kinase (AMPK), hypoxia, nitric oxide etc.; the latter involves insulin receptor signaling pathway. The best glycogen super-compensation strategy for human physiological adaptation can be developed through understanding mechanisms of glucose uptake in skeletal muscles with special statuses.


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