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The Effects of Complex Training on Maximal Strength and Power



Parallel abstracts

The purpose of this article is to compare the effects of 3 different training protocols-plyometrics, weight training, and their combination on strength and power. The combination of plyometric exercise and weight training whether increased or maintained strength and power performance than either plyometrics or weight training alone. It seems that the different training design (i.e., training orders or rest time between sets) might have caused the discrepancy in the results of previous studies. We found that those who trained using a combination of plyometric training and weight training are thought to be useful for developing athletic strength and power. An example of complex training would include performing a set of jump squats followed by a set of squats. Recent research also suggests that 4 minutes of rest between the weight training and plyometric training portions of the complex may be optimal.

Parallel keywords

Weight training Plyometrics Complex training Strength Power


蔡崇濱譯、林信甫譯、林政東譯、吳柏瀚譯、鄭景峰譯、傅正思等譯、T. R., Baechle原作者、R. W., Earle原作者2004(2004)。肌力與體能訓練。台北縣:藝軒。
Adams, K.,O''Shea, J. P.,O''Shea, K. L.,Climstein, M.(1992).The effect of six weeks of squat, plometrics and squat-plyometric training on power production.The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.6(1),36-41.
Baechle, T. R.,Earle, R. W.(2000).Essentials of strength training and conditioning.Champaign, IL:Human Kinetics.
Burger, T.,Boyer-Kendrick, T.,Dolny, D.(2000).Complex training compared to a combined weight training and plyometric training program.Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.14(3),S360.

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