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The Research and Tendence of Fat(subscript max)


如何在運動的過程中充分的利用脂肪、代謝脂肪為能量來源,讓運動達到減脂,又能同時增進心肺適能,是近年來許多學者研究的重心,因此最大脂肪氧化之運動強度(Fat(下標 max)、最大脂肪氧化速率點(maximal fat oxidation rate point, LIPOX(下標 max)的觀念被提出。目的:本文旨在介紹Fat(下標 max)與LIPOX(下標 max)的定義、測量方法、判定方法,以及探討影響Fat(下標 max)或LIPOX(下標 max)的因子。方法:以文獻探討的方式,探討與Fat(下標 max)或LIPOX(下標 max)相關之文獻,作綜合評論。結果:Fat(下標 max)與LIPOX(下標 max)有集中在中、低強度上的現象。VO(下標 2max)、受試者特質(受訓練與否、肥胖、年齡、性別等特質)等因素會影響Fat(下標 max)與LIPOX(下標 max)。

Parallel abstracts

It is an important subject how increase fat oxidation during exercise. Recently many studies emphasized on exercise intensity that promote cardiorespiratory fitness and fat oxidation simultaneously. A new concept of Fat(subscript max) (the exercise intensity at which maximal fat oxidation was observed) and LIPOX(subscript max) (maximal fat oxidation rate point) were presented in many studies. Purpose: This research aims were introduced the definitions, the measurement methods, the judging methods, the influencing factors of Fat(subscript max) and LIPOX(subscript max). Method: We reviewed many studies about Fat(subscript max) and LIPOX(subscript max). Results: Fat(subscript max) or LIPOX(subscript max) have a phenomenon concentrating on the low to moderate intensity. VO2(subscript max), subject's characteristics (trained or untrained, obesity, age, gender, etc.) will influence Fat(subscript max) or LIPOX(subscript max).


Achten, J.,Jeukendrup, A. E.(2003).The effect of pre-exercise carbohydrate feedings on the intensity that elicits maximal fat oxidation.Journal of Sports Science.21(12),1017-1024.
Achten, J.,Gleeson, M.,Jeukendrup, A. E.(2002).Determination of the exercise intensity that elicits maximal fat oxidation.Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise.34(1),92-97.
Achten, J.,Venables, M. C.,Jeukendrup, A. E.(2003).Fat oxidation rates are higher during running compared with cycling over a wide range of intensities.Metabolism.52(6),747-752.
