目的:本研究旨在探討台灣地區使用身體活動量表之概況。方法:本文以文獻探討法,分析自1990-2009年6月期間,在國內學位論文中使用身體活動量表或問卷的概況。資料取自「國家圖書館-全國碩博士論文資訊網」資料庫,檢索論文名稱、關鍵詞或摘要內容含有「身體活動」一詞的學位論文,再篩選以身體活動量表作為研究工具的論文,共計126篇。結語:過往使用次數最多是三日身體活動回憶日誌(three-day physical activity log, 3-d PAL),計有45篇,但觀察近五年使用次數最多者,則以國際身體活動量表(The International Physical Activity Questionnaire, IPAQ);七日身體活動回憶記錄表(seven-day physical activity recall, 7-d PAR)的信效度表現最好,再測信度達.90,效標效度達.93;如考量與國際研究比較時,可選擇IPAQ中文版。
Purpose: Review and analyze the application of physical activity scales or questionnaires in theses or dissertations published from 1990 to June 2009 in Taiwan. Methods: Retrieved theses or dissertations in the database ”Electronic Theses and Dissertation System” containing the phrase ”physical activity” in keywords or abstracts. However, only 126 theses or dissertations that used physical activity scales or questionnaires as measurement were qualified to be analyzed. There were ten scales or questionnaires used in the past, and their reliability, validity, subjects, and utility rate were further investigated. Summary: The most common scale used in the past years was ”three-day physical activity log, 3-d PAL” (n=45), while in the recent five years was Taiwan version of the ”International Physical Activity Questionnaire, IPAQ”. Additionally, ”seven-day physical activity recall, 7-d PAR” showed the best reliability (~.90) and validity (~.93) among all physical activity scales or questionnaires. Lastly, IPAQ might be the optimal alternative when comparing to studies conducted in other countries.