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Effect of Multiple Simulated Soccer Matches on Changes in Rate of Force Development of the Knee Extensors in Adult Women Soccer Players


目的:探討多場足球比賽對女子足球選手膝伸肌群發力率之影響。方法:招募15名我國現役大專一級女子足球員作為受試者,並以隨機分派至多場組(experimental [Exp],7位)及控制組(control [Con],8位)之中。多場組連續進行三天,每天進行一場90分鐘羅浮堡間歇性折返跑測驗(Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test, LIST)作為足球模擬比賽方式,並在第一場LIST前、第三場LIST後第24、48、72小時,各分別接受膝伸肌群最大等長肌力(maximum voluntary isometric contraction torque, MVC)及發力率(rate of force development at 30, 50, 100, 200 [RFD 30,RFD 50, RFD 100, RFD 200])、膝伸肌群肌肉酸痛(muscle soreness, SOR)觀察。控制組則不進行任何LIST,僅以每間隔24小時方式,連續接受四天的MVC、RFD、SOR觀察。結果:控制組在接受連續四天觀察都無明顯變化(p > .05);但是,多場組在完成連續三場LIST後的MVC、RFD 30、RFD 50、SOR變化程度,不僅比前測值明顯(p < .05)產生改變之外,也比控制組產生明顯(p < .05)的變化程度。結論:這些結果顯示,多場足球比賽之後會造成女子足球選手膝伸肌群RFD明顯下降。因此,這些結果可供足球教練與選手作為未來參加多場比賽時,及早尋找解決策略之參考及應用。

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Purpose: The present study investigated the effect of multiple simulated soccer matches on changes in rate of force development of the knee extensors (KE) in adult women soccer players. Methods: Fifteen adult women soccer players were recruited in the study, and then were randomly assigned into control (Con, n = 8) or experimental (Exp, n = 7) groups. Exp performed the Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test (LIST) daily for three consecutive days, while Con did not perform the LIST. Maximal isometric contraction torque (MVC) and muscle soreness (SOR) of the KE, and rate of force development (RFD 30, 50, 100, 200) were taken before the first LIST, and 24, 48, and 72 hours after the third LIST for Exp. The aforementioned variables were measured for the Con group before, 24, 48, and 72 hours post-exercise. Results: No significant (p > .05) changes in MVC, SOR, and RFD 30-200 were observed over time for Con. Changes in MVC, SOR, RFD 30, and RFD 50 after multiple LISTs for Exp were significantly greater (p < .05) compared to baseline and Con. Conclusion: These results showed that female soccer players' KE RFD 30-50 were significantly reduced after multiple LISTs. Thus, these results may be used by soccer coaches and players as an early reference and application of solutions when participating in multiple soccer matches in the future.


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