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Beyond Gentrification: Cultural Economy and Heritage (Re-)Making in the Historic District of Twatutia in Taipei




In East and Southeast Asia, culture-led urban regeneration has been criticized for bringing in cultural economy activities that have few connections, if at all, with the local contexts, and leading to gentrification of the historic districts and eviction of traditional businesses. By positioning the transformation of Twatutia (Dadaocheng ) in Taipei in culture-led urban regeneration in East and Southeast Asia, this paper proposes a more nuanced understanding of the relationship between cultural economy and cultural heritage in historic districts. By developing the concept of "cultural sustainability', I argue that the local actors' aspirations and the environments that allow the realization of their aspirations are key factors. With such actors and environment, the emerging cultural economy is able to create new cultural products by embedding local elements, and preserve, regenerate, and remake local cultural heritage through creative intervention. Emerging cultural economy can make new heritage by engaging with existing local traditions. Cultural sustainability can thus be achieved. Besides, preservers of traditional cultures and cultural heritage in historic districts can also actively engage with the discourses and practices of cultural economy to remake the local traditions. They can also provide a platform for the evolution, development, and transformation of local cultural and art scenes. This paper also argues that "gentrification" is not necessarily a useful theoretical intervention towards historic districts which underwent culture-led urban regeneration because they encounter problems beyond the notion of "gentrification", including the influx of vendors that will lead to the homogenization of tourist experience.


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