Due to the explosive nature of fireworks facilities, they can often result in explosions and fires, maiming or killing employees and residents in the vicinity. About 80%~90% accidents in the enterprise are artificial. IAEA has been making efforts on developing the safety assessment system to investigate and measure the safety culture of the industrial factories or plants by conducting questionnaire survey. Safety culture has been a hot topic for both researches and organizations. This study aims to develop a safety culture questionnaire with construct validity and reliability that can be employed to evaluate the safety culture in the firecracker factory. The author applied survey research to attain the purpose. This method consisted of reviewing the literature, amending questionnaire, mailing survey, and analyzing the date. Based on an extensive review of the literature, a 44-item questionnaire was developed, reviewed by tried out, Item analysis, validity analysis, and reliability analysis were carried out, and a 40-item questionnaire was finalized.