本研究旨在探討德國世界盃足球賽進球的分析,其研究目的在於瞭解本屆世界盃進球最多的時段、最佳的射門方式、進球最多的區域及射門的部位,以2006年第18屆德國世界盃足球賽的64場比賽為研究對象,透過影帶慢速觀看、自由時報、中國時報的報導及網站蒐集之資料,經量化分析後獲得以下結論: 一、最後15分鐘是足球運動最佳進球時段。 二、世界盃足球賽的進球數界於2至3個。 三、直接射門是得分最容易的射門方式。 四、前鋒是足球比賽射進球最多的位置。 五、中路進球是足球比賽進球路線的最佳路線,定位球進球亦扮演勝負的重要關鍵。 六、最佳的射門部位是腳尤其是右腳。 七、最佳的進球區域是球門正面約6碼至18碼處。
The topic of this research is talking about FIFA World Cup Germany Analysis. We took the 64 competitions of 18(superscript th) FIFA World Cup Germany in 2006 as the object of study. We get the following conclusions by the video's slow forward, the reports on Free Times and Chinese Times and the information from websites: 1. The best time of field goal is the final 15 minutes. 2. FIFA World Cup Soccer's goal points are between 2 or 3. 3. The easiest field goal way is to shoot a ball at the goal directly. 4. The field goal mostly position of FIFA World Cup is forward. 5. The best line of field goal is halfway line. Place kick also plays an important key of field goal. 6. The best field goal body is feet, especially right feets. 7. The best field goal area is 6 yards to 18 yards in front of the goal post.