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Analysis of Somatic Movement Education Applied in Physical Education and Sports in Taiwan (2002~2012)



Parallel abstracts

The purpose of this study was to analyze thesis writing on "Somatic movement education" in the field of sports and physical education in Taiwan. Dissertations and empirical journals were collected. Content analysis was used in this study. According to the research participants, durations of curriculum, research methods, amount, and the results of researches, the analysis was conducted. The results of the research came as follows: 1. The total amount of dissertations and empirical journals writing on Somatic movement education was 27, with the highest yield in the year of 2008. 2. The research targets were mostly focused on elementary school students, followed by high school students and undergraduates. 3. The durations of curriculum were about of 8 to 12 weeks, with each week 1 to 3 hours course. 4. The most frequently used research method was qualitative and quantitative combined research (15 volumes), followed by qualitative research (9 volumes). 5. According to the findings, Somatic movement education applying to physical education made a positive effect in students' breathing awareness, skills learning, and acceptance for the courses. As for applying to sports training, it had a positive effect on the breathing awareness, use of body, motions and eliminating fatigue of the athletes. Research methods may be converted from action-based research to thinking, analysis and other different methods. The research methods also can try to look for different research targets such as coaches, outstanding athletes in order to have multiple directions in materials and researches. In light of the demands of participants, to plan long-term and complete courses on Somatic movement education to improve and expand the curriculum in its quality and quantity.



Cited by

林慧敏、劉美珠(2019)。健身新趨勢-身心康適(somatic wellness)概念與發展中華體育季刊33(2),61-72。https://doi.org/10.6223/qcpe.201906_33(2).0002
