Nonpharmacologic intervent ion is important in caring for Dementia patients. It reduces the degree of cognitive degeneration of the dementia population, provides training possibility for activities of daily living, reduces psychotic symptoms that brings heavy burdens to the caregivers. Recently, there are diverse approaches on nonpharmacologic treatments for the dementia. Some systematic reviews were conducted for investigational and empirical evidence; however, few discussions were found regarding to dementia population at home. Nonpharmacologic intervention for dementia patients includes reality orientation therapy, reminiscence therapy, cognitive stimulation therapy, phototherapy, music therapy, horticultural therapy, multisensory therapy and art therapy. This study aims to share the home caring experience for dementia patients in terms of the application of nonpharmacologic intervention. It is expected that this study provides a new insight to long-term care professionals and family members of the dementia on how to improve patient's mental status and daily living functions of the dementia and delay their degeneration.