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Effectiveness of a Low-Cost Gaming Console (Wii) on Improving Motor Skills in Children: A Literature Review


目的:以虛擬實境為媒介的動作治療方案於近年來相當蓬勃發展,然而其器材價格昂貴且設備系統不統一,導致此類治療難以實際應用於臨床個案上。而Wii具備價格較低且容易取得的優點,為可改善虛擬實境缺點的替代方案。因此本文將透過文獻回顧,彙整Wii應用於兒童復健領域之臨床價值。方法:經由PubMed、Google Scholar等文獻搜尋引擎,鍵入關鍵字:Nintendo Wii/Wii/Wii Fit/Wii Sports、motor/balance/upper extremity/treatment/effects/therapy/effectiveness,搜尋至2013年之文獻。收入標準為以Wii為主的動作復健方案,且為18歲以下孩童。結果:最後共收錄12篇研究。療效結果以國際健康功能與身心障礙分類模式-兒童與青少年版的不同層級來分析。結論:結果發現目前Wii主要的療效大致呈現於改善孩童之身體結構與功能層級上,尤其以平衡能力及粗大動作技巧最為顯著。然而在精細動作能力雖有改善,但研究較少且實證層級較低。此外,研究亦證實孩童在活動及參與度層級方面能獲得改善,但僅有2篇研究探討到此層級。未來研究建議可透過更嚴謹的實驗設計與增加活動及參與度層級的評量來釐清Wii之療效。

Parallel abstracts

Objective: In the past decades, researchers have paid more attention to motor training program providing by virtual reality. However, the usage and application in clinical settings were limited due to the expensiveness and variation of virtual reality equipments. Wii with its cheapness and accessibility may be a promising tool to overcome these shortcomings. Thus, the purpose of this study is to ascertain the effect of Wii on improving children s motor skills through literature review. Methods: Pubmed and Google Scholar databases conducted up to 2013 were searched to identify the relevant studies. The inclusion criteria were children under 18 years old and Wii training program as the intervention approach. The key words were Nintendo Wii/Wii/Wii Fit/Wii Sports, motor/balance/upper extremity/treatment/effects/therapy/effectiveness. Results: This review included 12 studies. Children have showed improvements in their balance, gross motor, fine motor as well as the participation in daily activities. Conclusion: Wii is a feasible virtual reality tool to improve children s performance in body functional level as well as activity and participation levels. However, due to much less attention on the activity and participation outcomes, future research is warrant to fulfill these gaps of current knowledge.