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Effects of Proximal and Distal Robot-Assisted Therapy with Intensive Functional Task Practice of Upper-Limb Functions in Patients with Chronic Stroke



Introduction: Robot-assisted therapy has been known for its high intensity, high accuracy, labor saving, and task-directedness. This pilot study compared the effects of proximal-emphasized robot-assisted therapy (P-RT), distal-emphasized robot-assisted therapy (D-RT), and control treatment (CT) combined with intensive functional task practice (FTP) on real-world arm activities and functional outcomes. Methods: Participants received one of P-RT+FTP, D-RT+FTP, or CT+FTP intervention for 20 sessions (90 minutes per day, 5 days per week for 4 weeks). Outcome measures included Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT) and Stroke Impact Scale (SIS). Results and conclusion: There were 6 participants recruited in P-RT+FTP group; 4 participants recruited in D-RT+FTP group; 3 participants recruited in CT+FTP group. This study supports the positive effects of P-RT or D-RT combined with intensive functional task practice on motor functions and quality of life (QOL) in patients with chronic stroke. Moreover, D-RT+FTP revealed superiority on distal and dexterous movement of upper extremity. Due to the small sample size, the conclusion should be interpreted cautiously. Further studies are needed to expand the sample size and further validate the findings of this study.

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前言:機器輔助療法是一項具備高重複性、高精確性、任務導向及勞力節省等特色之現代療法。本個案系列研究主要是比較近、遠端機器輔助療法及常規職能治療結合高強度功能性任務訓練在真實環境上肢功能之療效。方法:受試者將被分派至近端機器輔助療法組、遠端機器輔助療法組或常規職能治療組,並接受每日90分鐘、每週五次、為期四週共20次之介入療程。成效評量工具包含:渥夫動作功能測驗(Wolf Motor Function Test, WMFT)及中風衝擊量表(Stroke Impact Scale, SIS)。結果與結論:本研究共6位個案分派至近端機器輔助療法組;4位個案分派至遠端機器輔助療法組;3位個案分派至常規職能治療組。本研究支持合併機器輔助療法及密集功能性訓練於慢性中風病人的動作能力、日常生活功能及生活品質之正向療效。此外,在治療期間並未有任何與研究相關之不良反應發生。研究結果顯示遠端機器輔助療法對於遠端與精細動作有較佳之成效。另外,轉移效益確實存在於機器輔助療法中。但是,本研究各組樣本數過小,結果須謹慎解釋,建議未來研究擴大樣本數並更進一步探討療效。

Parallel keywords

機器輔助療法 中風 復健 療效對比研究
