  • 期刊


The Manic-Depressive City: the Sociality and Dual Translation in Hong Kong Contemporary Detective Fiction




There have been many examples of pinpointing the issue of social care in literary writing. Authors can directly write about social issues through the in-depth analysis in non-fictional writing. Popular literature, as a relatively approachable genre, serves as a medium for authors, who have the intention to arouse social awareness or provide more thinking and reading perspectives, to talk to the society. In recent years, the sense of instability resulted from the rapid development and the turbulent political situation in Hong Kong has been fully demonstrated in various forms of literary writing. Since the research on popular literature in Taiwan nowadays mainly focuses on European, American, Japanese and local literary works, researchers pay less attention to Hong Kong literature. The comparative study of Hong Kong and Taiwanese popular literature has yet to be developed, so this paper will attempt to do so by focusing on the field of detective fiction. Through probing into "The Carbon Burning City" by Natalia Chan (Luo Feng), "The Borrowed " by Chan Ho-Kei, "The Summer of Falling Walls" by Black Cat C and other fictions, this paper analyzes how detective fiction, under the packaging of detective elements, has become a channel to reflect the social reality and "translate" Cantonese and Hong Kong society to Chinese-speaking readers outside Hong Kong, especially in Taiwan. This paper also analyzes how these fictions implicitly showcase the collective anxiety of the Hong Kong peopleand the personal care of the author, and observes the trend of contemporary detective fiction writing in Hong Kong.


《頭條新聞》:〈【毒狗恐慌】黑柴主人冒險帶愛犬散步:唔畀佢聞地下!〉,《頭條新聞》網站(https://reurl.cc/d0blL2),2018 年 4 月 12 日發表。(檢索日期:2020 年 6 月 21 日。)(DOI:10.29747/BUTTERFLY.200603.0005)
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洛楓:《炭燒的城》(香港:點出版有限公司,2011 年 2 月)。
徐承恩:《思索家邦》(臺北:前衛出版社,2019 年 11 月)。
陳國偉:《越境與譯徑:當代台灣推理小說的身體翻譯與跨國生成》(臺北:聯合文學出版社,2013 年 9 月)。
