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Discuss the Confusion of "Wasp Entering a Cave (黃蜂入洞) "and "Swallow Entering a Nest (燕子入巢)" in the Yang's Tai Chi Swordsmanship


楊家太極劍是楊太極武藝露禪學派的武藝科目之一。發展至今已逾百餘年,由於劍式動作舒展大方,圓活連貫,深受廣大太極劍愛好者的喜愛。 楊家傳承中,其門徒傳人分布海內外,好手林立,均能秉持楊家法統廣法薪傳,其中於太極劍一項,就大體而言,劍式流程均能保持傳統的風格,但是發現自陳炎林(1943)出書開始,出現將「黃蜂入洞」與「燕子入巢」二劍式的動作和名稱張冠李戴,造成混亂,其綠由值得深入探討。 本研究依蒐集到的資料進行分析和討論,獲得下列結論:有關楊家劍術傳人中對這二劍式的名稱內容,本研究逐一列舉,可供後人參卓。這二劍式在楊家傳承劍譜中的位序相當一致,劍譜中「黃烽入洞」應該在「燕子入巢」之前,至於劍式動作則均不需作更改。

Parallel abstracts

The Yang's Tai Chi Sword is one of the martial subject in the Yang's martial art of the school of Lu-Chan. Having been developing over hundreds of years till now, it is broadly popular with favorers of Tai Chi Sword because of the sword waving style with ease and of the flexibility with coherence. In the descending of the Yang's, the students of this school, some of them are of proficiency, are distributed all over the world. All retain the teachings in accordance with the Yang's doctrine. Referring to the Tai Chi Sword however, generally speaking, the sword waving style can be maintain the traditional way, but after Yian-Lin Chen (1943) publishing, the actions and names of those two sword waving styles, ”wasp entering a cave” and ”swallow entering a nest”, are misplaced one for the other, which causing confusion. The reason why it happened is worthy of our discussion. This reserch, after analyzing and discussing the information collected, has come to a conclusion as follows. The contents and tittles of these two sword waving styles in the descendents of the Yang's sword art, arc listed one by one for the other reserchers to refer to. These two sword waving styles positions in the sword recipe are quite corresponding to each other, and ”wasp entering a cave” should be in front of ”swallow entering a nest”. As for actions of them needn't be corrected.
