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A Survey Research of Customer Satisfaction Level of Weight Training Room in National Taiwan University Sports Center


本研究係採調查研究法,其目的在調查國立台灣大學綜合體育館健身中心顧客滿意度差異情形。300位校內、外辦證會員參與在這一項研究而且完成「國立台灣大學綜合體育館健身中心顧客滿意度調查問卷」。重要研究結果如下: 1.不同性別對於進口品牌與國產品牌運動器材的滿意度在心肺功能區、器械區與槓鈴區均無顯著差異。 2.在心肺功能區不同身分別顧客滿意度並不因為會員身分不同而有顯著差異。 3.在器械區不同身分別顧客對於進口品牌運動器材滿意度有顯著差異,但是在國產品牌運動器材滿意度則無顯著差異。 4.在槓鈴區不同身分別顧客對於進口品牌運動器材滿意度有顯著差異,但是在國產品牌運動器材滿意度則無顯著差異。

Parallel abstracts

The aim of the present study was to measure the customer satisfaction level of weight room in National Taiwan University (NTU) Sports Center, base on a sample of three hundred (N=300) members, who were participated in the research and completed the instrument. Significant results were summarized as followed: There were no significant differences on the level of customer satisfaction to sport facilities of different brands between female and male members in the aerobic fitness area, machine area, and body weight resistance apparatus area. There were no significant differences on the level of customer satisfaction between different member types in the aerobic fitness area. There were significant differences on the level of customer satisfaction to imported sport facilities between different member types in the machine area, but the level of customer satisfaction doesn't have significant differences to the domestic sport facilities between different member types. There were significant differences on the level of customer satisfaction to imported sport facilities between different member types in the body weight resistance apparatus area, but the level of customer satisfaction doesn't have significant differences to the domestic sport facilities between different member types.


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