本研究係探討在青少年憂鬱的代間傳遞中,自尊、親子關係與學校歸屬感之個人、家庭與學校保護性因子,對於憂鬱代間傳遞之影響程度,並分析三項保護性因子於代間憂鬱之間扮演的調節角色。研究資料來自台灣青少年成長歷程研究(Taiwan Youth Project),研究對象為2,851位國三青少年及其父母親,包含青少年子女自填問卷與青少年父母自填問卷。資料分析分為描述性統計、相關分析與多元迴歸分析。女性、親代憂鬱症狀愈嚴重者,其青少年子代的憂鬱症狀得分愈高,而父母性別、家庭狀況則與子代憂鬱無顯著相關。在保護性因子中,青少年的自尊、親子關係以及學校歸屬感可直接降低其憂鬱症狀程度,其中,自尊、親子關係與親代憂鬱症狀的交互作用達到顯著,亦即自尊與親子關係可緩衝親代憂鬱症狀對於子代憂鬱症狀的負面影響。
This study explored the roles of protective factors in individual, family and school within the process of intergenerational transmission of depression. Data was retrieved from a national survey named Taiwan Youth Project. Participants were 2,851 third year students in junior-high schools. Data analysis includes descriptive analysis, Pearson correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. Results indicated that female adolescents and those with higher level of parental depressive symptoms scored higher level of depressive symptoms. On the other hand, parents' gender and family status have no impact on adolescents' depressive symptoms. In protective factors, adolescents' self-esteem, parent-child relationship, and school belongingness could all reduce the level of depressive symptoms. In moderating effect, self-esteem and parent-child relationship could moderate the negative effect of parental depressive symptoms on adolescents' depressive symptoms. Based on these findings, we discussed the meanings on education practices and suggested the improvement on individual, family, and school protective factors. Also, we urged to take intergenerational transmission of depression as a serious issue and start to figure out the proper solutions.