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Factors Effecting Job Satisfaction of Employees working in Private Organizations: A Case of Pakistan


The job satisfaction of employees has been a focal point of private organizations and also a source of attention for researchers in recent times. May be, this is because of relations between organizational outcomes and job satisfaction matters. This study informs about relationships between biographical variables and job satisfaction of private organizations because job satisfaction of private organizations employees may be concerned with the personal attributes such as age, gender and years of experience. Objective of the study is the improvement of organizational Human Resource Management system regarding worker's job satisfaction, so Correlation, Regression and Analysis of Variance tests were conducted to test the data. Some of management variables, which were, Compensation, Empowerment, Work Place, Appraisal System, Management Behavior, Motivation, Clear Goals of Organization and Training and Development shown a positively correlation with employee's job satisfaction. Implications for these factors and their connection with job satisfaction is argued, limitations of the study and future research recommendations are presented. Data was collected through a questionnaire. To test the research hypothesis, Correlation was conducted. Biographical differences specially gender, age and experience were related to many job satisfaction variables. We explore the effects of organizational aspects on employee's satisfaction which leads to productivity.
