Since the handover in 1997, the Hong Kong government has adopted a "Bi-literacy and Tri-lingualism" policy in the primary and secondary education, which determined the linguistic status of English, Putonghua and Cantonese in Hong Kong. In the past, most studies focus on the English learning, whereas there is very few study about students' language attitude and learning motivation in other two languages at the higher education level. To fill this research gap, 260 local and mainland students were invited to fill in a questionnaire about their preference in language choice, language learning motivation and language attitude. The findings suggest that (1) for both Hong Kong and Chinese students, Cantonese is the main medium of communication in the family, classroom and school campus;(2) The participants hold a more positive attitude to the language of their home-town, while both Hong Kong and mainland students have a negative view on the language of each other;(3) The language learning motivation is mainly dependent on their functional perspective of language, which means whether they expect the language can bring advantages in career development or further study;(4)The language attitude has a positive correlation with the self-evaluated language proficiency, but not the parent's education background.