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A Pilot Study of the Effect of an Illness Management Group on Patients with Schizophrenia Living in Community



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Background: Community care is gradually replacing institutionalized care as the mainstream trend in healthcare worldwide. Community‐based mental healthcare care is still developing in Taiwan, and nurses are central to the success and growth of current programs. An evidence‐based intervention, the illness management group, may guide nurses to effectively assist people with schizophrenia to manage their psychotic symptoms, take their medication, and reintegrate into the community.Purpose: This pilot study examined the effect of the illness management group of patients with schizophrenia living in the community.Methods: Using a quasi‐experimental, single‐group pretest‐posttest design, a purposive sample of 20 patients with schizophrenia was recruited from a daycare setting at a local hospital. The three outcome indicators were illness knowledge, medication attitude, and adherence.Results: While all outcome indicators showed improvements, only the improvement in illness knowledge was statistically significant. Qualitative feedback from participants included knowledge gains, peer support, recognition and acceptance of the illness and taking medication, and awareness of not being the ”most serious”/”most strange”.Conclusions/Implications for Practice: This study partially supported the effect of the illness management group. Future studies should examine the impacts on the medication attitudes and adherent behaviors of this approach. Further, adjustments to the intervention content and the dosage may be incorporated to address specific contextual factors. This pilot study may help enhance the ability of nurses to provide effective community mental health services and benefit mentally ill patients in terms of illness management and community adaptation.


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