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The Development of the Taiwanese Proficiency Test



台語能力測驗是爲tiòh教育目的所開發ê新ê語言測驗系統。成大辦理台語能力測驗ê正式名稱號做全民台語認證,伊是經過kuí擺ê預試了tsiah正式開辦ê考試。本文以2008年11月所做ê預試資料做信、效度分析。Tī全民台語認證,考生會根據in得tiõh ê分數來決定in ê台語能力級數。成績kap能力ê對照關係是根據預試ê 160名樣本考生做模型tsiah推算出來。根據預試結果,預測ê正確率達到0.68。


台語 GTPT CTLT 能力測驗 語言測驗

Parallel abstracts

The Taiwanese Proficiency Test (TPT) is a newly developed language testing scheme for educational purposes in Taiwan. Several preliminary tests were conducted and the latest one was held in November of 2008. In the test, the test-takers were assigned a language level according to the scores they received. The relationship between language levels and scores is calculated based on the statistical results of 160 sampled test-takers by using ordinal logistic regression. Its accuracy for predicting test-takers' language levels reaches as high as 0.68.

Parallel keywords

Taiwanese TPT CTLT proficiency language test


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Chan, Hui-Chen(1994).Language shift in Taiwan: social and political determinants.Georgetown University.
Chang, L. C.,Tu, Y. H.,Chang, S. M.(2009).Statistic Approaches for the Taiwanese Proficiency Test.Proceedings of the Second Conference on Taiwanese Proficiency Test.(Proceedings of the Second Conference on Taiwanese Proficiency Test).:
Cheng, Robert L.()。
Chiung, Wi-vun T.(2001).Language attitudes toward written Taiwanese.Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.22(6),502-523.
