  • 期刊


Homelessness in Japan: A case study of the Atsutaso shelter in Nagoya




無家者 貧窮 庇護所


This paper introduces the case of the Atsutaso shelter in Nagoya in the context of social policy developed for homeless people in Japan. To reduce the problems faced by homeless people, cooperative programs and strategies including local government and social welfare groups are implemented to assure the rights of housing, work and other basic human rights. The case also shows how local welfare establishes distinctions between different homeless people, and assures that minimum cultural and health protection are provided for homeless people and their families. Programs of employment and self-management are used to help homeless persons able to work return to society. Care programs are provided for persons unable to live independently to ensure their survival. The different kind of treatment for homeless people shows a different attitude to human rights in Japan and Taiwan. The lack of housing rights in Taiwan means that the homeless are subject to a mend-the-gaps model of welfare. Although Taiwanese civic societies have many creative solutions, they are insufficient to meet the problem of poverty posed by an ageing society.


Homeless People Poverty Shelter
