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現有水利情報資訊系統種類繁多且資料來源多元,卻因為資料無法一致化,而難以有效應用於決策過程,再加上處理龐大的資訊量會出現資料正確性的疑慮,也需要耗費不少時間,致使防災應變無法做有效率的決策支援。因此本研究將防災特性歸納為五大原則:(1)易識別性、(2)互動性、(3)關聯、(4)分級、(5)更新,並依五大原則開發──防災決策支援系統,將防災應變的資料整合及作業過程標準化。本研究並設計視覺化介面,定義三種互動展示方式:G-View(Global View)、D-View(Detail View)及I-View(Interactive View),讓使用者可進行大尺度資料之瀏覽、主題式資料之閱讀及細部資料之探索。本系統經過實際投入案例應用,並實際於萊羅克颱風(typhoon Lionrock)、凡那比颱風(typhoon Fanapi)及梅姬颱風(typhoon Megi)防災應變中使用,已證實能解決資訊一致化的問題,並提升水情資訊處理之效率,且介面使用簡單方便,決策者能快速熟悉操作,使得整體防災效率得到提升。

Parallel abstracts

Although many varied hydrological information systems and multiple data resources exist, it is difficult to use them efficiently in the decision making processes related to disaster prevention. The main challenges in relation to this topic are that data from different sources do not have a unified format and can be of questionable quality. Furthermore, much time has to be spent processing huge amounts of information. Thus, this paper summarizes the properties of the five principles of disaster information: (1) Cognitively affordable, (2) Interactive, (3) Connected, (4) Hierarchical, (5) Updated. Based on the five principles, we developed a disaster information support system that can integrate disaster data as well as standardize the operating procedure. A visualized interface was also designed for users, including three interactive displays: G-View (Global View), to browse global-scaled data, D-View (Detail View), to read thematic data, and I-View (Interactive View), to digest data that are more detailed. This system was implemented in Typhoon Lionrock, Typhoon Fanapi and Typhoon Megi as an application study and this study proved that the data format can be unified to improve the efficiency of the processing of hydrological information. Furthermore, the operating interface is simple and easy for decision makers to use, so that they can understand the entire disaster situation in a short amount of time, thus accelerating the speed of disaster prevention.


International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction=IDNDR(1994).Facing the challenge: The U.S. national report to the IDNDR world conference on natural disaster reduction.Washington, DC:National Academy.
