  • 期刊


The Impact of Mindfulness on Employee Creativity




正念 員工創造力


Researches on past creativity have been widely used in different perspectives, but rarely focus on how it affects employee creativity from a mindfulness perspective. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the impact of mindfulness on employee creativity to complement previous research gap. The study used information hiding method questionnaires to investigate sample of a wedding photography group company in Kaohsiung, a total of 62 questionnaires were valid, recovery rate 100%. Via multiple regression analysis to verify the hypothesis, the results showed that mindfulness (including positive belief, acception and tolerance, meditation and relaxation, concentration and self-awareness, energy management) has a positive and significant impact on employee creativity (including creative thinking, overall creation tendency, innovative behavior, innovation) with management energy having the greatest impact on employee creativity, followed by concentration and self-awareness, positive belief, meditation and relaxation, accept ion and tolerance. Finally, this study proposes managerial implications and recommendations.


Mindfulness employee creativity


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