  • 期刊


Huge Epithelial Ductal Cyst of the Epiglottis


會厭囊腫位於呼吸道的關鍵位置,最常見的症狀為咽喉異物感,當成長過大時會引起呼吸道的症狀,或是沒有症狀,僅在耳鼻喉科理學檢查或手術麻醉插管時意外發現。一位29 歲男性,因突發咽喉異物感1個多月,求診於本院,纖維喉內視鏡檢查發現於會厭舌側表面左方有一平滑隆起的腫塊,初步臆斷為會厭腫瘤,遂安排手術。直接喉鏡顯微手術於口內插管全身麻醉下進行,順利地切下一顆2.3×1.2cm之病灶,病理報告為積滯性囊腫,根據DeSanto及Newman 的分類法則,應屬於上皮性之管囊腫。特提出報告,再次提醒吾人,巨大會厭囊腫必須早期診斷及治療,否則可能會造成呼吸道的阻塞。


Epiglottic cyst, located in the key position of upper airway, often causes lump throat. A huge epiglottic cyst may impendingly obstruct the airway. It may keep silent till it is noted accidentally in otorhinolaryngologic physical examination or general anesthesia intubation. A 29-year-old male presented lump throat for more than a month. At our hospital, fiberoptic laryngoscopy revealed a smooth protruding mass on the left side of lingual surface of his epiglottis. An epiglottic neoplasm was impressed, and micro-laryngeal surgery was scheduled. Under oral intubation general anesthesia, a mass with the size of 2.3×1.2 cm was excised. Pathologic study reported a retention cyst. According to the classification of DeSanto and Newman, it was an epithelial ductal cyst. We present the case and inform that a huge epiglottic cyst should be diagnosed and treated early, or it may lead to impending airway obstruction.
